
Victory through Voice                                  Order from


Our nation is heading into spiritual darkness at exponential speeds. The powers in control in society seek to silence all voices that stand against the avalanche of evil. How can we speak out in this cultural climate? Will we be persecuted for speaking truth when the culture demands silence? This book answers these questions and encourages believers to follow in the steps of the first century Christians and trust God for victory.

Victory through Voice discusses privatization of faith, the beginning of persecution in the USA, problems in the prosperity message, and inherent dangers of critical race theory, among other pertinent topics. The author exhorts all Christians to love one another, to love those outside the church, and to love God with all their heart and mind and soul and strength. Love is the answer to the problems of racism, classism, and the divisions in our country.

Truth spoken in love will set us free from the deceptions that seek to silence believers and force the celebration of sin. Biblical truth proclaimed, heard, and believed can spark revival in the land. To remain silent is to consent to the avalanche of evil. Like the first century Christians, we must speak the name of Jesus to the hurting world and proclaim his gospel—even when the culture demands our silence. Victory through Voice shows how we can proclaim this truth with our voices, lives, and spiritual fruit. Additionally, it offers a review of important points of the gospel message and of God’s Word.


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Victory through Light                                    Order from 


Cultural darkness is intensifying in our nation. Confusion is now exploding at an alarming rate. Every day, Christians are challenged to walk away from biblical living and into politically correct compromise. Victory through Light is a wake-up call to help us live in the Light of God's unchanging Truth. We can and must overcome the darkness besetting our nation and invading our lives.

Regardless of where one stands politically, people over thirty years old must admit that a different spirit rules our nation today than in the previous century. Those over sixty see an even greater disparity. It’s not just a “generation gap.” It’s a disconnect from basic moral principles and a reversal of moral values.

This is not something that “just happened” as humans supposedly become more enlightened. In fact, it’s a deliberate turning away from enlightenment to darkness, a refusal to see truth for what it is. It’s embracing what isn’t true as though it were. It calls into question even the nature of truth, just as Pontius Pilate did of Jesus when he asked, “What is truth?” (John 18:38).

This book explains how our culture turned from light to darkness and how we can combat the influence of darkness in our lives, families, and nation. If you can see the cultural trends toward the removal of morality and truth, then you will want to read Victory through Light.

This book addresses contemporary issues from a biblical perspective. It shows the difference between the Light of Christ and the false “lights” of this world. The author exhorts Christians to live in the Light and explains how they can so live. She encourages Christians to walk in victory and to love others, so that they, too, may experience victory in their lives, relationships, and society.

Victory through Light also considers several philosophical viewpoints or worldviews that affect Christian living. It explains how these worldly ideas influence individuals and erode relationships. The overall affect is felt in society. The book examines how to overcome that influence and remain true to biblical principles. Each chapter concludes with Discussion Questions, Personal Reflection, and Verses to Consider. These features make the book ideal for adult Sunday School classes and Bible studies.

Victory through Light challenges the readers to view the present reality from a biblical perspective and to examine their relationship with Jesus Christ. It sets forth the goal of walking in God’s true light and becoming light to others, with the assurance that the darkness cannot extinguish the True Light.


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